LEARN Lab News
2020 Summer Recruit&Project Introduction
Learners’ Engineering And Research Network & Microsoft Student Club Joint Lab(LEARN & MSC Joint Lab)
Learners' Engineering and Research Network
Learners’ Engineering And Research Network & Microsoft Student Club Joint Lab(LEARN & MSC Joint Lab)
A complete paper list of Single-Object Visual Tracking Algorithms, Surveys and Benchmarks of recent years. Different from existing paper list, this project doesn't simply category the papers by publishment, but from a tracking process perspective. Main Contributions and Novelties of each tracker paper is carefully studied, forming our taxonomy criteria. The investigation covers top conferences as AAAI, CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ICML, IJCAI, NIPS and top journals as IJCV, TIP, PAMI, CSVT. Note that the list is not bijective, namely a single paper may appear in diverse contents.
My slides for presentation at LEARN Lab, giving a coarse introduction to Program Synthesis, a sub-field of AI.
My slides for presentation at LEARN Lab, introducing Few-Shot Bayesian Imitation Learning with Logical Program Policies (AAAI'20)
My slides for presentation at LEARN Lab, introducing Picture: A Probabilistic Programming Language for Scene Perception (CVPR'15)
My notes and slides for presentation at LEARN Lab, introducing G2SAT (NIPS'19)
Notes for papers on computer vision.
This repository contains codes and lab report for CMU-HUST-15210: Parallel and Sequential Algorithms and Data Structure. The course is imported from Carnegie Mellon University for students selected in the ACM project. If you need to use the results or perspectives in my lab report, please cite the report..
Personal perspectives on Abductive Learning.
Refined Note for Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.
Notes and Codes for learning OpenCV-Python..
Notes and code for learning plotly-python.
My learning notes and source codes of fundamental d3js.
My learning notes and source codes of C.